At times, Wilt’s friends are the only ones keeping him from delving too deep into magic. There are conversations that happen amongst them, which could involve everyone or just a few of them. Some of Wilt’s friends are traveling with him – but not in the way you might assume.
Without giving away any spoilers, at the start of this book, Wilt has been using the older magic for what might be too long a time-span.
It was a magic that connects to animals and the trees in the Tangle (a place that often includes danger). That said, there were times when Wilt used older magic, of the kind that had been forbidden. They create objects that enhance their weilder’s abilities. In short, welds are used to get into other’s minds. This magic was used by the Black Robes in Redmondis. In the first book, Wilt was using the type of magic that a wielder uses. I’ll try my best to avoid mentioning them. It can be really difficult to write a book review about the second book in a series without unintentionally revealing spoilers. This second book picks up not long after the first one ends, and there is an assumption that readers will already be familiar with (most) of the characters. I highly recommend that you read Book 1, The Blood Within the Stone, before jumping into Book 2.
OctoBook Reviews / fantasy / horror The Forked Path, by T.R.